GEM Blockchain Hackathon 2017 – the largest challenge-driven event of the year

blockchain hackathon

Blockchain is the hottest technology this year. It has potential to transform industry operating models and change global business practices for the better. If you want to actively participate in this new technology revolution, learning about blockchain solution and applying them to your business is inevitable.

Enthusiastic, as we have always been when it comes to new, disruptive technologies, GEM cannot stay out of the game!

Supported by our management team, and fully backed up by our developers, we launch GEM Blockchain Hackathon 2017.

Blockchain Application – The Deathbook

Every developer of GEM, to form a team of 3 to 6 people

15-16/12/2017: Hacking
17/12/2017: Presentations and Awards

1st prize: 10.000.000VND
2nd prize: 3.000.000VND
3rd prize: 2.000.000VND


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